We’ve all been there, when table cloths are stained beyond repair. I get alot of my canvas fabric from Divisoria. And when I buy I make sure to ask for the cheapest they have. If its sturdy enough for a grocery bag (that carries tins and sacks of things) then surely, it can survive a few toddlers.
Its a go to activity of mine, when something is beyond repair, I refurbish it. I accept that it can’t be what it once was, and move on. I suppose this is the design equivalent of relationships that have evolved. Either way, its a fun thing to do- albeit somewhat smelly thanks to the vinegar involved in this project.
Fabric from Divisoria Market, Handblown Japanese Bud Vases by Sugahara available online via the Sugahara website, Mr. Porter or where I got mine from, the Four Seasons Hotel in Marounouchi, Tokyo
Ingredients & Tools Needed
Powdered Turmeric, Fresh works too! Use more turmeric if you want a darker finish. Adjustable measurement
(There is really no need to dehydrate turmeric, I just did because I had too much Turmeric and time on my hands that day)
White Vinegar any kind (Datu Puti works as well as Heinz), a ratio of 1 cup per yard of cloth
Tap Water 1 liter per cup of cloth
Cloth that is stained beyond repair or any fabric based item you want to refinish
Boil water, vinegar and turmeric together ( I apologise for the intense smell in advance)
Twist and then wet the cloth you are dyeing until you end up with a simple braid and it helps so the cloth can fit in the vinegar and water bath. Only twist the cloth if you want a tie-dye effect, in our case the fabric looked striped which we love.
Boil the fabric in the vinegar water turmeric solution until the fabric is the color you want it
Rinse the fabric with cool water, tap is fine.