My husband and I have a shared love for all things Ikea. This Ikea Arstid Lamp was bought on a trip to Hong Kong for around GBP15. I like how simple it is, easily blending in with any interior. They still offer this lamp: Arstid Tamble Lamp
Years ago, I had the base of these table lamps spray-painted black. They were then moved to my husband’s office where they sat atop some books. Over time, the white lampshades began to stain and some of the stains were tricky to remove.
Replacing the lampshades would have cost PHP1,000, which is what it costs to buy the exact same lamp. I decided to refinish the damaged shades in a coffee stain.
TIP: Dyeing fabric with coffee or tea is fun, inexpensive and non-toxic, it is what I apply to almost anything with stains that I can’t remove.
Funnily enough, I did the same to my bridesmaid dresses. I got dresses from Ghost London (a favourite label of mine Ghost London) and used Earl Grey tea bags to make them the ecru colour I wanted them to be. They smelled great, were now the colour I wanted and cost next to nothing to do.
TIP: Be sure to check that your lampshade can be dyed, ideally it is made of fabric or paper that wont warp when wet. Always ask for an electrician’s opinion.Max.:
IKEA Arstid Table Lamp Specs below, taken from ikea.com
75 W
Height: 55 cm
Base diameter: 15 cm
Shade diameter: 22 cm
Cord length: 203 cm
Note: All prices are approximate prices.
▢ RAG: Use a clean one from home
Nescafe Instant Coffee Granules 50g
Ensure your lampshade can be dyed, it must be made of either fabric or paper on a backing that won’t melt. Clean your lampshade, make sure it is dry, before you apply coffee dye. In the case of Ikea’s Arstid, the outside seems to be a polyester/cotton blend and the inside of the shade was in plastic, making it perfect for this experiment. I would be more careful with paper lampshades because they have a faster drying rate to fabric and it wouldn’t be as easy to repair unevenness as you would with fabric.
Mix the coffee for 1 spoonful of coffee, have ¼ cup of tap water. Make sure all the granules are dissolved.
The dark spot on the left was impossible to remove.
Apply using a brush in one direction- up and down (vertical movements) onto the lampshade.
While still damp, use a clean old white rag and brush the lampshade to even out the distribution of the coffee- check on the lampshades as they dry to see if you need to use the rag to even out any areas. It is important to even out the coffee as it sometimes creates pockets of liquid- especially around hems and stitching of the lampshade, that could turn into blotches. This is especially important if you want an even coat of coffee. Let dry 6 hours to overnight. Coat a second time to darken if you would like, and repeat the process.
First coat of coffee
Second coat of coffee
Finished product, the tones are not completely even, giving the lampshade an added dimension as well as a more handmade look. Serena Crawford once said something about how the evidence of human hand is the most beautiful detail in interior design objects, I tend to agree.
As an added optional step, you can then create decorative blots that make the lampshade take on the look of aged parchment or old maps using a clean wet rag. Play around with the specks, it is enjoyable!
Disclaimer: Always speak to an engineer to ensure you are meeting health and safety standards.